
Welcome to the New 3C Techs Website!

Welcome to the new 3C Techs Website! We hope that you enjoy our new platform, and invite any feedback you may have. 3C Technology Solutions is a managed technology service provider, specializing in dental offices and commercial enviroments. Our multifaceted management team has designed and supported technologies since 1998. As a company, we share one common theme – Technology Simplified. This doesn’t mean the technology itself is simple. Rather, we listen to your needs and provide professional guidance in a clear and concise manner.

Latest News

Cyber Security & Locker Watcher Training – Restarting Soon!

Recent research shows that 1,861 people fall victim to online scams every minute, costing the global economy an estimated $600 Billion last year alone. Does your staff know what signs

March 16, 2021

HIPAA Back on Track – 10/18/19

Friday, October 18th – HIPAA Back on Track 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Instructor Julie Wells of Cap City) HIPAA Back on Track is interactive with the instructor answering your

October 18, 2019

Cyber Security & Locker Watcher Training – 09/20/19

Recent research shows that 1,861 people fall victim to online scams every minute, costing the global economy an estimated $600 Billion last year alone. Does your staff know what signs

September 20, 2019

HIPAA Security Officer Orientation – 09/20/19

Friday September 20th – HIPAA Security Officer Orientation 2:30 PM to 3:15 PM (Instructor Brad J. Primm Sr of 3C) Handouts will be provided. Attendance is limited so RSVP via

September 20, 2019